Saturday, July 4, 2009

Dear Body

Dear Body,
I have so many things to say to you. I supposed I should start off by apologizing. I'm sorry. I know I haven't always treated you the best. It's not food or fitness that I am concerned about because I fuel you with good foods (And you can't pretend you don't like the occasional indulgences too!) and we've always worked together to stay active and fit. We're a pretty good team but I don't think I have really been holding up me end of the bargain. What I am most concerned about is the way that I talk to you and treat you. And I want to change that.

In the past I have put you down, belittled you, to our friends and loved ones. I wouldn't let us go out and do the things we wanted to do because I was ashamed of you. I looked at our face in the mirror and swore at you, yelled at you, cried about you and verbally abused you. I harbored resentment and ill will towards you. I was angry that you didn't look the way I wanted you to look. I was focused on the wrong things. I looked for your flaws, sough them out and then picked them apart. I was cruel.

Why? I don't seem to know anymore. There was nothing wrong with you or anything you did. You were, and are, a perfectly fine body, a nice body. It has been a long journey but I am glad that you have stuck by me in the way that you have because I wanted to tell you that I am proud of you. I am proud of how fit and strong you are. I am proud of all the things we can do together. I am proud that you are my partner through life. You are strong, fit, healthy and I love you. And I love that you are mine.

I promise to treat you better in the future. I promise to remember that we are a team. I promise to appreciate all the good things you do for me. I promise to recognize your strengths. I promise to look for the good in you. I promise to take care of you, fuel you with good foods, continue to be active and fit with you.

Together we will go a long way and I promise that from here on out our journey will be much happier.


* This was written as part of the Summer Glow Boot Camp. Topic 1 was to write a Dear Body letter.


  1. This is one of my favorite blog posts! What a wonderful letter to write! Just reading it, I strongly identified with what you are saying to your body - what a fantastic way to re-set the thinking and to be body positive! Thanks for sharing this Holly! I should write a similar letter. Thanks for this post!

  2. Thanks for the comment, Laura! I am glad you liked the post. :)
